"what is hidden within your eyes"~Quizilla quizez....
Monday, February 21 6:29 PM ♥
aida dah lame ambik kuiz di quizilla...just nak hilangkan boring nie...bukannye nak percaya sangat semua yang dikatakan dalam kuiz nie...tapi,juz for fun!and hari nie aida dah jalani kuiz "what is hidden within your eyes?"....and...inilah jawapannye...
Happiness is hidden within your eyes!
You have a lot of friends, and you always hang out with them! You have really pretty eyes! Everyone loves your eyes!! When people see them and tell you they are pretty, you always are really happy!! You are a very up-beat person! Thats great!!!
*bila tengok jwpn nie...senang sikit hati nie..well,you all should try this quizzes at www.quizilla.com ...oh,don't forget!its just for fun!
About The Mayor of this blog
Short Biodata
Name: Dr.CuhaZaini Known as: Aida, Cuha, Nuha, Nasuha Age:Always being 17 State: Terengganu, but most of time in a year is in Cyberjaya Country: Malaysia, Egypt is my second country Fav. Colours: Striking pink! Red, White, and all those 'luna' colours Language: Malay, English, Egyptian ArabicHobby: Eating and Sleeping (yet wishing to be slim with this kind of lifestyle) Fav Quotes: Don't stop at the top, touch the sky before you drop.
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"what is hidden within your eyes"~Quizilla quizez....
aida dah lame ambik kuiz di quizilla...just nak hilangkan boring nie...bukannye nak percaya sangat semua yang dikatakan dalam kuiz nie...tapi,juz for fun!and hari nie aida dah jalani kuiz "what is hidden within your eyes?"....and...inilah jawapannye...
Happiness is hidden within your eyes!
You have a lot of friends, and you always hang out with them! You have really pretty eyes! Everyone loves your eyes!! When people see them and tell you they are pretty, you always are really happy!! You are a very up-beat person! Thats great!!!
*bila tengok jwpn nie...senang sikit hati nie..well,you all should try this quizzes at www.quizilla.com ...oh,don't forget!its just for fun!