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Saturday, April 25 2:27 AM ♥
0212 || 25 April 2015
Few more hours till departure to my hometown.
And Aida is alert, conscious and full of sense that she can't ever repeating the same mistakes again. The vital signs are all good. Except the normal reactions of travelling which is nausea and dizziness (which I don't know whyyy it comes everytime I want to go anywhere).
And heyy~ Dah start cuti beb! The feeling that can't ever be explain by anyone except the one who feel it (how complicated it was). Although I know that I will just stay at home, hibernating and obviously tak buat apa-apa melainkan menternak LDL dan menolong untuk menghabiskan makanan di rumah. x.x
But the best moment is just being at home. That's it.
# And "The Last Minute" kind of person like me will only starts packing at this hour. So, yea. Safe Journey and selamat balik rumah kepada diri sendiri.
About The Mayor of this blog
Short Biodata
Name: Dr.CuhaZaini Known as: Aida, Cuha, Nuha, Nasuha Age:Always being 17 State: Terengganu, but most of time in a year is in Cyberjaya Country: Malaysia, Egypt is my second country Fav. Colours: Striking pink! Red, White, and all those 'luna' colours Language: Malay, English, Egyptian ArabicHobby: Eating and Sleeping (yet wishing to be slim with this kind of lifestyle) Fav Quotes: Don't stop at the top, touch the sky before you drop.
Contact Me: Official Blog | MukaBukuFb
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Home :)
0212 || 25 April 2015
Few more hours till departure to my hometown.
And Aida is alert, conscious and full of sense that she can't ever repeating the same mistakes again. The vital signs are all good. Except the normal reactions of travelling which is nausea and dizziness (which I don't know whyyy it comes everytime I want to go anywhere).
And heyy~ Dah start cuti beb! The feeling that can't ever be explain by anyone except the one who feel it (how complicated it was). Although I know that I will just stay at home, hibernating and obviously tak buat apa-apa melainkan menternak LDL dan menolong untuk menghabiskan makanan di rumah. x.x
But the best moment is just being at home. That's it.
# And "The Last Minute" kind of person like me will only starts packing at this hour. So, yea. Safe Journey and selamat balik rumah kepada diri sendiri.