Little Human


I want to be a good doctor to my patient, a solehah daughter to my parents, and the most important is I want to be a loyal kaliph to Allah s.w.t
Stay calm, stay cool.
Allah will always be with you. ^.^

Shout Out Loud

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♦ Harsh words & Anon not allowed


This skin is made by : Mrs AF
Some helped from :
Unnie Atiqah
Some coding from :
Fatin Hazwani
Using basecode :
Aishah Baharudin

All rights reserved ® D r . C u h a Z a i n i


Thursday, March 6 5:25 AM 0 Atashinci(s)

Lama tak main taip menaip kat sini.
Kekangan masa.

"Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian"

I admit that we tends to appreciate something when it is actually been taken away from us. And know I regret that I've been too much playing around. Time is swords. Now I literally feels it slashing me bit by bit. 

Allah, please makes it easier for me what I am going to face after this. For You the one that makes everything easier. Guide us when we're deviates to the wrong path, protect us when we're exposed to the harm and danger. And please lead us to the right path, and bless our life.

will be irregularly irregular in blogging after this. oligo-blogger I need to say.
But never mind, it's worth insyaAllah.